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MTG Utrecht - Sunday Brunch

Best Sunday Brunch in Utrecht!

Brunch starts at 11am and is over at 2pm. It runs €12.50 per person (children <10y: €6) which includes one orange juice, one coffee or tea, one egg and a buffet with bread, croissants, jams, cheese, cold cuts, muesli, salads and more. Puschkin is just one year old and offers great breakfast and lunch options with good drinks!

10th of September, 2017, from 11-14 o'clock

Puschkin |  Ridderschapstraat 1/Voorstraat | 3512CM Utrecht
Website Puschkin: https://www.facebook.com/Puschkin-OntbijtLunch-474107356129949/

Répondez s'il vous plaît: sundaybrunch@meetthegermans.info or +31 30 743 8766

An event of .

NL-Utrecht - Puschkin Ontbijt&Lunch