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Public Holidays in the Netherlands

Father's Day

The concept of Father's Day originated from a woman who wanted to honour her father, a widower and veteran of the American Civil War. Despite being an adult, she felt grateful for her father's role in raising her and organized the first Father's Day on June 19, 1910.[1] [2] The holiday she gained official recognition in the United States later on.

Father's Day was first celebrated in the Netherlands in 1937, initially in October.[3] However, in 1948, it was moved to the third Sunday in June. Unlike in some countries, Father's Day is not considered an official holiday in the Netherlands.

Children often present their fathers with handmade or purchased gifts on this particular day. Typical presents include socks, beer brewing kits, gadgets, and perfumes, but many fathers also enjoy breakfast in bed as a treat. In contrast to Germany, men's outings are relatively uncommon in the Netherlands on Father's Day.

Shops remain open on Father's Day, just as they would on any other Sunday, allowing people to celebrate the occasion in their way.

Father's Day in the Netherlands:

Vaderdag 2023 Father's Day 2023 Sunday, 18th June 2023
Vaderdag 2024 Father's Day 2024 Sunday, 16th June 2024
Vaderdag 2025 Father's Day 2025 Sunday, 15th June 2025
Vaderdag 2026 Father's Day 2026 Sunday, 21st June 2026
Vaderdag 2027 Father's Day 2027 Sunday, 20th June 2027
Vaderdag 2028 Father's Day 2028 Sunday, 18th June 2028
Vaderdag 2029 Father's Day 2029 Sunday, 17th June 2029
Vaderdag 2030 Father's Day 2030 Sunday, 16th June 2030
Vaderdag 2031 Father's Day 2031 Sunday, 15th June 2031


[1] Consumer Rites. Leigh Eric Schmidt, 1997, p. 276.
[2] "Father's Day (United States)". Archived from the original on July 1, 2008. Retrieved April 27, 2023.
[3] "Verwen VADER op 2 October a.s.". Retrieved April 27, 2023.
[4] van Zuijlen, J. (2019, June 14). "Vaderdag moet met de tijd mee, een pakje sigaretten kan echt niet meer." AD. Retrieved April 27, 2023, from https://www.ad.nl/binnenland/vaderdag-moet-met-de-tijd-mee-een-pakje-sigaretten-kan-echt-niet-meer~ad007fad/