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Einkaufen in den Niederlanden

How much does an m³ of water cost in the Netherlands?

One m³ (1,000 litres) of drinking water costs an average of € 1.21, excluding taxes. With taxes, an m³ costs an average of € 1.60. [1]

Regional water company

The exact amount per m³ of drinking water depends on the regional water company and can vary considerably. The price difference is due to various factors. On the one hand, the origin of the water plays a role. Water from a river is more expensive than groundwater since the treatment of river water into drinking water costs money. Urban areas have higher infrastructure costs and many other factors play a major role.

At Vereniging van Waterbedrijven in Nederland Vewin, the division of the water companies can be viewed on an interactive map.

The individual companies list their tariffs in detail:

Belasting op Leidingwater - tap water tax

In 2019, € 0.343 per m³ of tap water (excluding VAT; for consumption up to 300m³) will be charged. This corresponds to around 38 cents per m³, including VAT. [2]

VAT on water

The value-added tax (btw) on water is 9%.
base Price

Every year a fixed basic price (vaste kosten) is calculated per water connection of a household. This is 50 to 80 € including VAT, depending on the water company,

No water meter

There are also households without water meters in the Netherlands, then the water consumption is calculated based on (residential) units.

Already knew?

The average household in the Netherlands is 2.2 people. The water consumption is 110l per person per day.

[1] https://www.vewin.nl/sector-in-beeld/Paginas/default.aspx
[2] https://www.belastingdienst.nl/wps/wcm/connect/bldcontentnl/belastingdienst/zakelijk/overige_belastingen/belastingen_op_milieugrondslag/tarieven_milieubelastingen/tabellen_tarieven_milieubelastingen

Last update on 13. December 2019 by Horst Kowalski.